Friday, July 15, 2011

postpartum blue...jeans.

So, today I went to Old Navy with the intention of buying a new pair of postpartum jeans.

...uh, yeah.

I tried on my normal size and it was a major WTF moment. They weren't even close to buttoning. It was pathetic. I know, I know--I'm only five weeks postpartum (happy five weeks to Matthew :D), but seriously I've lost most all of my baby weight and I'm just left with an undesirable amount of nastiness at the bottom of my belly.

It's not even that I *want* to be out of maternity jeans. No, I could totally be that woman on What Not to Wear that Stacy has to intervene on the panel jeans. I loveeee maternity jeans way more than any self respecting lady should. It's just that they're way too big at this point. I stretched nine months of baby belly into these pants. They are used up! I'm talking holes at the pockets, fuzziness on the inside of the legs, sag at the butt after five minutes of wear USED. UP. I look more than a little frumpy wearing them at this point.

I have to ask myself, "How ridiculous would it be for me to go buy a smaller size of maternity jeans?...maybe even some pajama jeans?" Yeah, pretty ridiculous, but I totally went there in the ON dressing room this morning.

I've even bought a couple of jersey skirts from Old Navy recently--you know something that comes in S, M, or L-- so that I can avoid meeting my number sizing fate. Unfortunately, though, Thomas told me it made me look like a missing Duggar girl and now those are at the bottom of the laundry pile as an emergency outfit.

Is it really outrageous for me to think about stocking up on yoga pants of every variety and just live in them forever...or would I become THAT mom??


  1. Oh, I should tell you that I practically LIVE in my yoga pants. Especially on those days that you don't leave the house. Why bother changing? Though, you should get some dresses! Skirts are kind of Duggar, but dresses, whether pretty sun dresses or comfy maxi dresses are my FAVE. They're comfy, perfect for an SC summer heat wave, and very forgiving. ^_^

  2. Oh yeah, I LOOOVE dresses! Unfortunately though, I'm kind of limited to shirts and skirts or pants because dresses don't really allow for discreet public feeding. I have one dress that I'm willing to wear in public but it still doesn't get much use because it shows a lot more skin than I'm comfortable with.

    I see cute dresses everywhere, though! I hate it!! It's such a tease. Haha.

  3. I feel you. I'm 3 months postpartum and still can't fit into my pre-Miriam clothes (I'll probably NEVER fit into my pre-Elizabeth clothes again). My mom says that even when the weight is lost, we have to keep in mind that our hips spread. *grumbles*

  4. Yeah, and my hips were so wide they didn't even need to spread! I dint like mother nature's sense of humor!!!
